
General Information on HEMA

Wiktenauer is a Wiki dedicated to HEMA, and a great source for general information, documents, historical context, and more:


We thought that creating a book list might help members (or non members, for that matter) expand their interest and expertise in HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts). This list will change and evolve.


Historical Fighting Fundamentals: German Longsword - Kyle Griswold

The Art of Combat: A German Martial Arts Treatise of 1570 - Joachim Meyer - Translated by Jeffrey Forgeng

The Flower of Battle: MS Ludwig XV13 - Fiore dei Liberi - Translated by Colin Hatcher & Tracy Mellow

Additional Sources

HEMA Bookshelf - Their catalog includes beautiful original facsimiles which are funded by pre-orders, as well as translations and scholarly analysis of subjects related to historical martial arts. Find them at the link below:

More to come. Recommendations welcome!


Our main supplier of gear is SoCal Swords. They have synthetic and steel feders, protective gear, bags, and clothing. Click on this button to open their shop in a new window:

We also frequent Purple Heart Armory for our HEMA gear needs. They have been a source for the community for years. Click on this button to open their shop in a new window: