Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hema?

HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, and represents a broad range of weapons, techniques, and time periods. Our studies at Crossroads Swords span primarily German and Italian sources from the late medieval and renaissance periods, though we are by no means opposed to other areas and time periods of study.

What weapons do you focus on?

Our group’s primary focus is on the longsword, but we also study and practice rapier, messer, sabre, pole weapons, sword and buckler, and more.

Are those real swords?

There are a lot of definitions of “real sword”. A dull sword can still be misused. Even a steel or plastic training sword can be dangerous if a student uses it improperly, and all swords should be handled with respect, regardless of how sharp they are. We train with hard plastic swords (referred to as synthetics) and dull steel swords (referred to as feders or blunts). They each have their use in training, and they are each useful in different ways.

Is it dangerous?

Anything can be done dangerously, and anything can be done with relative safety. The difference is the user’s control and discretion. We teach and practice control as a requirement before doing anything that could put any participant at risk. No participant faces off in open free play until a level of control has been expressed, and even then, steel free play comes further down the road than plastic free play. And of course, proper protective equipment is a requirement.

It takes time and patience to build control. There is no shortcut.

Do I have to wait for a beginner’s class?

While we are starting to offer quarterly classes directed toward longsword basics, anyone is welcome to join in on any class, and we’ll do our best to get you involved right off the bat. Our team of instructors are equipped to adapt to the variety of students that come through our doors.

Is it expensive?

Protective gear and training weapons can definitely cost money, but we do our best to help inform and advise club members and visitors. We do research on equipment that we’re happy to share, and many of us are skilled in crafting, meaning we can design, construct, and repair pieces at low cost. We also have a large variety of loaner gear for you to use while you decide what’s best for you. That being said, it may take some time to save up for a full kit or new sword, so we try to keep our membership costs low to encourage investing in what you’d like.

Why do I need a password to pay for membership?

We welcome everyone to come and visit, and if you’d like to join after, we’re happy to share that. It’s simply a means of making sure people know the club is the right fit for them and ensuring we personally know everyone that becomes a member. We take our community seriously, so its important to ensure that everyone who’s a part of it abides by our policies and code of conduct. We also want to make sure you get your two free classes!